Good grief, I got up an hour again and I’m already so tired…
I’m so tired of being tired, haha!!
Last night was our second basketball game, I didn’t get a chance to talk about the first last week. We won this week! I started… mm no points but close several times, mostly rebounds and a lot of shoving and elbowing, haha.
My grandfather said that the kittens will arrive any day now, and they’re going to let me know as soon as they’re ready to go home – I guess that’ll be about two or so months? I read an article that said they should leave at 12 weeks – but who knows what this guy will want to do. I hope he keeps the kittens with the mother that long, because the article said it’s not good for them to be separated before that… anyway, yeah. I guess I should tell mom so SHE doesn’t bring home a kitten.
But I want to surprise her, I want to come home with a little kitten zipped up in my jacket, the same way she surprised me with Hobbes.